Keywords are the main elements of SEO. They are the words you want to target your website. Your keywords must be in place, as they can make or break your website. The right placement of keywords can lead to a higher ranking on Google, which is what most businesses strive for.
Before deciding on their content position, ensure that you have thoroughly conducted Keyword research. The reason is obvious if you haven’t chosen correct and relevant keywords in the first place, their position in the content or webpage doesn’t matter or won’t make any impact.
SEO is a process that requires a lot of time and effort to get the desired results. Therefore, it is not easy to rank on the first page of Google. However, some strategies can help you optimize for SEO keywords.
This page will give you some insight into how to optimize your website for search engine ranking purposes. The post also includes tips on how to use them in your content.
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What is Keyword?
Keywords are the words that people use to find your website. They are used in search engines like Google, Bing, and Baidu to help people find what they need faster.
Keywords are metadata that can be found on a web page. Keyword metadata helps search engines index the content on your site and serve it up when someone searches for those keywords.
There is no specific formula for how many keywords you should have on your page, but it is important to have enough so that Google can easily find them. Keyword density is the number of times a keyword appears on a given web page and should be between 2-3% of the total word count.
Primary vs Secondary Keywords
There are two types of keywords – primary and secondary. Primary keywords are the ones that you want to rank for. Secondary Keywords are words related to the main keyword but not directly. These are also called “Semantic Keywords.”
In other words, primary keywords are most used in your niche, whereas secondary keywords are those that you use less frequently but still get a decent amount of traffic. For example, if the primary word is “Pregnancy,” then the secondary words, as per Google suggestions, are below:
Primary Keyword
A primary keyword is a word or phrase people use to search for content.
The easiest way to find your primary keyword is using Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Ahref.
You can also use a tool like SEMrush (a free tool), which will provide you with more detailed information about how people search for your keywords and what other terms they use.
These are words that you want to rank for on search engines such as Google or Bing.
They should be highly relevant to your website content and have a high search volume and low competition levels.
Secondary Keywords
Secondary Keywords are words related to the main keyword but not as important to the topic.
They often include a word similar in meaning to the main keyword and can be used to help search engines find relevant content.
The best way to find secondary keywords is using Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Ahref.
However, the easiest way is to note down Google’s auto-suggestion.
These words relate to your main keyword but are not as important as the primary ones.
They should also have a high search volume and low competition levels.
A)- Placement of Primary Keyword
Keywords are an important part of content marketing. As the internet changes, so do the way content is marketed. Therefore, deciding which words to place at the front or back of your content is crucial for success.
Keywords are used on many levels in content. They appear in headlines, subheaders, and metadata tags.
For example, when you write a blog post, it is important to place your primary keywords in the title and body of the post. This will generate targeted traffic from search engines and digital marketers.
Let us discuss these points one by one:
First 200 Words - Introduction
One of the most important aspects of blog writing is to place your primary keyword in the first 200 words of a blog post. This is what search engines are looking for, and it will rank your post higher if you do this.
Using keywords in the first 200 words of a blog post is important for search engine optimization. This will help the content rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing and other platforms that use algorithms to rank content.
Primary Keyword in Page URL (Permalink)
Including your primary keyword in your page URL is important as it provides a strong signal to search engines that you want them to rank your page for that particular keyword.
It also makes it easier for people to find the page on search engines. It would improve website structure and navigation as well.
Use hyphens (-) instead of underscores ( _ ) in your URLs to separate words. It would be helpful for search engines and users to identify the nature of the content.
Not Recommended
Underscore among words:
Combine Words:
Primary Keyword in Title Tag
A title tag is one of the most important on-page SEO optimization factors. Therefore, it is recommended to put the primary keyword in Title Tag to rank higher in SERP.
The title tag is the most important HTML element to define a page’s content.
It should be no more than 60 characters long and should not contain any spaces.
The title tag will appear in search engine results, so it is very important for SEO purposes.
Primary Keyword in H1 Tag
Many SEO experts recommend putting the primary keyword in the H1 tag. It is a best practice that has been used for many years. However, Google has confirmed that having the primary keyword in the H1 tag is unnecessary.
Google uses a number of different sources to automatically determine the title link, but you can indicate your preferences by following our best practices for influencing title links.
Google Search Central
The influencing factors are writing
descriptive and concise, avoid keyword stuffing and repeated or boilerplate text, and make clear which text is the title by title HTML tag <h1> tag before and after the Title line.
Meta Description
Meta descriptions are the snippets that show up in search engine results. They are usually a sentence or two long and should include the words or phrases that searchers are likely to use when searching for your page.
The keywords you include in your description can help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and can drive more traffic to your site.
Last 200 Words - Conclusion
It is recommended to put the primary keyword in the last 200 words. The primary keyword is the one that you are targeting for the article. It should be in the last 200 words of your article so that it has a higher chance of ranking well on search engines.
Image Alt Tags
There are two ways to do this. One is to include the keyword in the alt tag, and the other is to place the keyword in a description of the image. The first option can be used for images that are not too long but for long ones, it is better to use a description.
As the Googlebot does not see the images directly, we generally concentrate on the information provided in thealt
attribute. You can supplement thealt
attribute withtitle
other attributes if they provide value to your users!
Google Search Central
Natural Placement in Post
Since the goal of SEO is to have a post rank for the given keyword, it is important to spread the keyword throughout the post. This will help Google understand your post and rank it appropriately. So far, we have discussed the above as we need to place primary keywords at:
1)- Use your target keyword in your title
2)- Include it in your introduction
3)- Use it in at least one paragraph
4)- Place it near the end of your post
However, more than having your primary keyword in the title, H1, meta, introduction, and closing is required. It should be spread throughout the post in a logical manner.
This will help Google understand what you are trying to talk about and rank your article higher. Primary keywords are important for SEO. They should be spread contextually in the post.
The most common way to insert a keyword is using synonyms and related words. You can also use phrases, sentences, and paragraphs with your keyword as long as it is varied and relevant.
B)- Placement of Secondary Keywords
This portion will look at how you can place secondary keywords in your blog post to help them rank higher on Google. We have already discussed placing primary keywords in blog posts, but now we will focus on secondary keywords.
Subheadings (H2, H3) and Paragraph Breaks
Place secondary keywords in subheadings and paragraph breaks. This will make them more visible to search engine crawlers and improve their ranking potential.
Internal and External Linking
Add links to other posts or pages containing secondary keywords relevant to your topic but don’t repeat those same words on your page or article. This will help Google know what’s related and what’s not, as well as boost your site’s authority with backlinks from other high-quality sites with trusted links.
Supplementary images Alt Tags
Include secondary keywords in your other than title image alt text and caption. They are not visible to the human eye, but they are indexed by search engines and can help improve rankings.
Natural Placement in Post
You use secondary keywords to rank for a specific topic or niche. Again, they are not your blog post’s focus, but they influence and improve your rankings for that specific topic.
Add, then re-arrange, secondary keywords throughout your article at sections where you think they will be relevant. To place secondary keywords in blog posts contextually, you need to use them in sentences that make sense.
For example, when writing about how a new product might impact an industry, include the words “industry” and “impact” within the text of your post.
FAQs at Post End
The answer to this question is simple. By adding secondary keywords to FAQs, you are making your content more discoverable, and it will help people find your content in search engines.
.Putting secondary keywords in your FAQs at the end of the post will make it easier for Google to identify what your page is about.
The Concept of Semantic Keywords
The concept of semantic keywords is relatively new and is not yet fully understood. However, it is widely used by SEO experts to boost their rankings in the SERPs.
Semantic keywords are related to a subject but not the same as the main keyword. For example, if you are writing an article about a certain topic, you might include words like ‘history’ or ‘important’ in your content to make it more relevant for search engines.
Keyword Density and Stuffing
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Keyword Density
Keyword density measures how often a keyword appears on a web page about the total number of words.
Keyword density is not an exact science, but it can be used as a rough gauge to see if your content has too much or too little of the keywords that you are targeting.
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword appears in writing.
For example, if you want to rank well for certain keywords, you need to have them appear 3-5% of the time in your content.
The idea behind keyword density is that you will draw more visitors to your site by repeating keywords. But this is not always the case.
Too much repetition can make your site seem like it’s just trying too hard and can also annoy your readers.
It’s important to remember that Google penalizes websites for keyword stuffing and repetitive content. Hence, it is called “Keyword Stuffing.”
The ideal keyword density is a hotly debated topic. There are many opinions on the ideal keyword density, but there is yet to be a consensus.
Therefore it is highly recommended to avoid keyword stuffing and place keywords contextually where they make sense.
Keyword Stuffing
Keyword stuffing is also known as ‘overstuffing,’ ‘over-optimization,’ or ‘keyword overkill.’
It refers to loading text with keywords or phrases so that these words appear unnaturally, often about the topic being discussed or the context of the surrounding sentences.
It became popular when people discovered they could stuff keywords into their content to help their pages rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs).
SEOs mainly used this technique in the early 2000s and before when search engines were not as advanced and could be tricked into ranking pages higher based on the sheer number of keywords they contained.
The term “keyword stuffing” was coined by Google, and it refers to the use of irrelevant keywords on web pages to manipulate rankings or improve relevancy. As per Google Search Central:
Keyword stuffing refers to the practice of filling a web page with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate rankings in Google Search results. Often these keywords appear in a list or group, unnaturally, or out of context.
Does Keywords Still Relevant in SEO?
Google has said goodbye to the content keywords tool, so some SEO experts argue that Keywords are still relevant in SEO but are not as important as they used to be. Google search engine is getting better at understanding the meaning of the content and ranks it accordingly.
Google has always used keywords in its algorithm, but they have also relied on other factors, such as engagement metrics. As a result, keyword optimization is not as important anymore because Google can understand the content and rank it accordingly.
But it is not true. Undoubtedly, Google has evolved and gotten rid of traditional keyword analysis to some extent. In addition, it has added new semantic keyword features using artificial intelligence and Natural Language Processing methods.
Google has devised a sophisticated technique to avoid keyword-stuffed content. But he never claimed to remove the importance of keywords; Google even stressed using “relevant and related Keywords” in the content so that the search engine can rank and display the webpages to the visitors more accurately.
Keywords still play a pivotal role in search engine ranking, content creation, and link building. However, we need to modify our strategy and move from typical syntax and exact matching keywords to “semantic and related keywords” to keep pace with Google’s AI.
Final Thoughts
A keyword or keyphrase is a word or phrase chosen to represent a particular topic. It can be used in search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM).
They are the most important part of SEO. They help you rank on search engines, giving you a higher chance of getting traffic. The importance of keyword research can’t be overemphasized, as it helps you understand what people are looking for when they search for a particular product or service online.
Primary keywords are the most important keywords that you want to rank for. It is the main keyword or the one that is used most often in your content.
Secondary keywords are less important but still relevant. They are secondary keywords that you want to rank for, and they can be related to the primary keyword or an entirely different topic.
Placing keywords wisely in the content is important because it helps you to rank higher in search engines. Therefore, search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of digital marketing. Websites with proper SEO also have a better chance of appearing on the search engine result pages at the top.
Keyword optimization is a critical aspect of search engine optimization. When a website or blog contains keywords relevant to the niche, it will be more successful in ranking well in search engines.
Keywords still have a significant role to play in SEO. They are still the most important factor in determining where your content will rank in search engine results pages.
However, it is not just about the keywords you use but also how they are used. The quality of your content is a crucial factor that can make or break your rankings.