Write For Us

Write For Us

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to share their stories and experiences with our readers. That’s why we are encouraging writers from a wide variety of backgrounds to submit guest posts to our website.

We understand that many small business owners don’t have the time or resources to create content for their own websites, so we are giving them an increasing number of ways to be seen and heard on our platform. Whether you’re a professional writer, an entrepreneur, or simply someone with an interesting story to tell, we welcome your submissions.

Writing content for different platforms can be a great way to increase your exposure and reach new audiences. It allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with those who may not have encountered you or your writing before.

Whether it’s through guest blogging, social media posts, or even creating an eBook, there are plenty of ways to get your work out there and gain new readers. Writing interesting, engaging articles about topics that are relevant to the audience you’re trying to reach is key in order to capture their attention and keep them coming back for more.

Terms and Conditions for Guest Postings

By following these guidelines when writing for our blog as a guest post, you can create content that stands out from the crowd and connects with readers on an emotional level.

Unique Content

If you want to publish your content on our website, it is important that it is 100% original and not plagiarized. This is because plagiarism can have serious legal and ethical implications. Not only could you be subject to a lawsuit, but you could also be damaging your reputation as a content creator and publisher.

Friendly and first person writing

By writing in first person, you can create content that resonates with the reader and helps them relate to your story. It also allows you to show off your unique voice and style which will help differentiate you from other writers. Additionally, by using a friendly yet professional tone, you can ensure that your content is both engaging and appropriate for the intended audience.

Thick Content Writing

Writing a comprehensive article about any given topic can be quite daunting. It requires not only extensive research but also a great deal of creativity and thought. However, with the right approach, it can be done in an efficient manner.

Informative, engaging and Persuasive writing

Writing for an audience of executives, professionals, and highly paid individuals requires a certain level of finesse. It is important to keep the audience in mind while writing so that the piece can be crafted in a way that resonates with them.

The content should be informative but also engaging and persuasive. It should also be well-researched and provide valuable insights into the topic at hand. 

To ensure that these criteria are met, writers should focus on creating content that is concise yet comprehensive, and thought-provoking yet easy to understand.

Sponsored Link Policy

 If you’re looking to get your brand or business noticed, then a sponsored link is the way to go. But writing the content for such links can be time-consuming and difficult. That’s where we come in. 

Our team of experienced copywriters can write the perfect sponsored link for you, providing an engaging and effective way to reach your target audience. 

With our help, you can make sure that your brand or business stands out from the crowd and reaches its full potential. We offer one do-follow backlink (for single piece of content) to your blog after finalizing terms and conditions.

Single contextual and Permanent Backlinkt

Quality backlinks are one of the most important factors in SEO. They help to increase your website’s visibility, improve your ranking in search engine results pages and drive more traffic to your site. That’s why it is essential for businesses to get high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites.

By allowing one contextual and permanent backlink to your business/website in your guest post on our website, we are giving you an opportunity to increase the credibility of your website and boost its SEO performance. 

With this link, you can easily reach out to a wider audience and create more brand awareness. Plus, it will help you build relationships with other websites that may be beneficial for future collaborations.

Topics or Sub-Topics

We do accept guest post on any topic, however the preferred topics are as below:

    1. Search Engine Optimization
    2. Business and Management
    3. Education
    4. Training and Development
    5. Startup Promotion
    6. Travel and Tours
    7. Hotel Industry
    8. E-Commerce
    9. Digital Marketing
    10. Content Marketing
    11. E-Marketing
    12. Freelancing
    13. Soft Skills
    14. Networking
    15. Information Technology
    16. Website development and Designing
    17. Copy-writing and Blogging
    18. Content Creation
    19. Photography
    20. Animals and Pets
    21. Health and Safety
    22. General Information

Content Ownership

Submitting content to our platform gives us the full right to replicate, share, assign, modify, delete and/or use the content in any style or manner over any channel. This is especially useful for businesses and organizations that need to quickly create and distribute content across multiple channels. 

With this right, we can easily create new versions of the same content for different platforms and audiences. Additionally, we can even assign tasks to other writers or editors to modify the existing content as per their requirements. This way we can ensure that all their communication is consistent with their brand identity.

When it comes to publishing articles, it is important to understand that you will not have the right to claim ownership of the article after it is published. This means that you cannot claim for payment or copyright infringement now or in the future. 

This is because once an article is published, it becomes part of public domain and therefore cannot be claimed as your own. It also means that if someone else uses the same article, they are not infringing on your copyright as they have no legal right to do so. Therefore, when publishing articles online, make sure that you are aware of these rights and abide by them.

Image of the blog post

Copyright issues have always been a concern for content creators and publishers. To ensure that your content is not infringing on any copyright laws, it is important to use images that are properly licensed.

By uploading the relevant image for your post, we can help you avoid any copyright issues and make sure that your content is legally compliant.

If you have created or designed a unique image for the post, let us know and we will be happy to upload it on your behalf. With our help, you can be sure that the images used in your posts are completely safe from any legal hassles.

Social Media Sharing

Posting content on social media can be a great way to reach potential customers and engage with existing ones. But it takes time and effort to create and share content across multiple platforms. With our free service, we make it easy for you to get your content seen by a wide audience.

We take the hassle out of creating content for each platform by automatically uploading your post to all of our social networks. That way, you can focus on producing engaging content that will get noticed without having to worry about sharing it manually. Plus, we offer this service completely free of charge so you don’t have to spend any money getting your message out there!

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