SEO Free Training

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or webpage in a search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” results.

The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Optimization will teach you how to use SEO techniques to help your website rank higher in search engines.

SEO is a never-ending process. New algorithm updates and changes can be made to your website to get more traffic from search engines. This course will go through the SEO basics and provide a step-by-step blueprint for SEO success.

SEO Free Training Course Outline

This guide will cover the following:

1)- What is Search Engine Optimization

2)- Keyword Research and Analysis

A)- What is Semantic Keyword

B)- Keywords Placement

C)- Keyword Density

3)- How Search Engine Works

A)- What is Natural Language Processing?

B)- Search Engine and Artificial Intelligence

C)- Search Engine Result Page (SERP)

D)- Google’s Ranking Factors

4)- Website Domain and Hosting

A)- Top Ten Hosting Companies

B)- Choosing Domain and Hosting

C)- WordPress Guide

5)- On-Page SEO

A)- Content is the King

I)- Content Creation

II)- Blog Writing

III)- Google Quality Rater Guidelines

IV)- Concept of EAT

V)- Concept of YMYL

VI)- The Content Hub Model

VII)- How to Avoid Plagiarism

VIII)- Content Creation by Artificial Intelligence

B)- Website Structure and Navigation

C)- Image Optimization

D)- Mobile Sites SEO

I)- Top Ten Mobile SEO Mistakes

II)- Mobile-Friendly Content Creation

E)- Page Speed Optimization

6)- Off-Page SEO

A)- Content Marketing

B)- Link Building Methods

I)- Guest Posting

II)- Private Blog Network (PBN)

III)- Web 2.0 Link Building

IV)- Directory Submission

V)- Press-release Submission

C)- Measuring Backlink Quality

D)- Shady Methods of Backlinking

E)- Social Media Marketing

7)- Black and White Hat SEO

8)- Customer Engagement Metrics

A)- Bounce Rate

B)- Click-Through Rate

C)- Dwell Time

D)- Conversion Rate

E)- Net Promoter Score (NPS)

F)- Unique Page View

9)- UI and UX in SEO

10)- Local SEO

11)- SEO Audit and Reporting

12)- SEO Tools

A)- Ahrefs

B)- Google Search Console

C)- SEMRush

D)- Moz Pro

E)- Majestic

F)- Ubersuggest

G)- Lumar

H)- KWFinder

I)- SpyFu

J)- WooRank

13)- Benefits of SEO

14)- Cost of SEO

15)- Why SEO is Complicated

16)- Course Summary: SEO Best Practices 

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I've been using SEO Free Training Course for a few weeks now and it's been really helpful. I've tried other SEO courses in the past but they were too hard to understand or they just lacked the depth that this course provides. The style of course is perfect for people who want to learn how to build a strong SEO strategy with a practical approach.
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I have been practicing SEO for a few years now and I recently decided to learn more about it. A friend recommended this course as the best place to start. I am glad I followed their advice! It's easy to follow, even if you're a complete beginner, and has taught me everything I needed to know. This is by far the best SEO course out there.
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I found this SEO course really helpful. It is a delightful mixture of theory and practice, giving you all the tools that you need to be successful in your SEO career. I particularly liked the diversity of the topics covered, which makes it easier to transition from theory to practice with ease.
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I was recently looking for a course that had a complete, easy-to-follow system but wasn't too pricey. After searching for one on Udemy I came across SEO Free Training Course. The instructor, Afzal Raaj, is knowledgeable and his teaching style was really easy to follow. With this course you get the theory that you might need and then detailed exercises that show you how to put it all into practice without getting ahead of yourself.

Basic Guidelines For Free SEO Course

Many SEO courses are available online, but only a few stand out. Unfortunately, many people have a love-hate relationship with these courses: they either seem too easy or too difficult, but you don’t see any “real results” in their performance either way. 

However, a secret behind these courses makes a difference: the use of natural search engine optimization techniques. Unfortunately, few courses offer doable, practical, applicable, and fruitful methods to rank your website in Google at higher positions.

Most SEO courses are based on too technical, complex, and philosophical concepts, which are hard to implement, and even Google needs to learn these tricks and tips. Hence they are considered self-proclaimed SEO gurus. 

The second most important point is implementation; No matter how much knowledge you have gained or how many courses you have enrolled in, you need to implement these techniques to benefit you. So be a doer and always execute your plans without procrastination.

Thirdly, keep yourself up-to-date and stay motivated to learn more. SEO is a dynamic and highly volatile business strategy. Keep in touch with Google’s latest updated, new policies, emerging strategies, and obsolete methods. In SEO, a year old means too old.

Follow the below guidelines to learn from these free courses and definitely, and you will become an expert in SEO within three months at max:

 1)- Step-by-Step Approach:  Always follow the step-by-step approach to logically understand SEO concepts. Don’t jump or skip even a single post. 
2)- Be Consistent: Never expect overnight results; a shortcut is not the right solution, so stay motivated and be consistent. 
3)- Practice is Mandatory: Practice makes you perfect in SEO. After learning a simple concept, apply it to your blog or website and then measure its impact via SEO tools.
4)- Be Realistic: Always be realistic with your expectation before starting an online SEO course. It is important to avoid having big dreams or expectations as they don’t come true easily, and it will take time. 

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Free SEO Course by Afzal Raaj

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