Why SEO is a Complicated Process?

Why SEO is a Complicated Process?

SEO is a complicated process, and it has become increasingly difficult to rank on Google. However, there are ways to optimize your site for the best chance of success. 

The main reason that SEO is a complicated process is because of the different factors that will affect your website’s ranking in search engines.

Today, many factors can affect your website’s ranking in search engines. These factors include content, links, social media optimization, and more.

The SEO process is ever-changing, and there are many different ways to do it, making it difficult for digital marketers and SEO professionals to keep up with the latest trends.

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Why is SEO Not an Easy Process

SEO is not an easy process. To rank on the first page of Google, you need to have a good strategy and know what you are doing. SEO is a process that takes time, effort, and patience. It is not a quick fix for the average business. Seeing any significant results from your efforts can take months or even years.

SEO can be painful because it takes time and resources to see significant results.

The first step to SEO is understanding the basics. The basics include keywords, on-page optimization, and off-page optimization. Keywords are words or phrases people use when searching for something online. 

On-page optimization refers to the things you can do within your website content to help it rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Off-page optimization refers to all the other things you can do outside your website content to help it rank higher in SERPs.

SEO is a complicated process because of below reasons:

1)- Constantly Changing Algorithm

Usually, people think about how a search engine works. For example, the search engine uses web crawlers to index websites and a complex algorithm to rank them. 

The algorithms that Google uses to rank websites are constantly changing, making it difficult for web admins and SEO professionals to keep up with them. Unfortunately, this means that any optimization strategy that was successful in the past may not work today.

2)- Fight on Multiple Fronts

There are so many factors influencing your website’s ranking on Google these days – from social signals to content quality – that it becomes hard to pinpoint what will give you an edge over your competitors.

3)- Search Engine Evolves

The search engine landscape has changed enormously in recent years, with new players such as Bing and Yahoo! getting much more traffic than they used to. This means you are more competitive when trying to rank for your target keywords or phrases.

4)- Disagreement Among SEO Experts

With the introduction of Google’s RankBrain artificial intelligence system, Google has been able to predict the intent of searchers more accurately than ever before. Unfortunately, this has led to a disagreement among SEO experts about ranking websites.

One camp believes that RankBrain should be used as a ranking factor, and another believes it should not. Some SEO experts believe that RankBrain will change SEO rules, while others think it is another tool in their arsenal.

Later, Google extensively used artificial intelligence and natural language processing to rank websites and blogs. Therefore experts are discussing different possibilities on a range of ranking factors.

Different tools provide slightly different parameters and key performance indicators, so it is confusing to follow and sometimes to contradict. These debates and discussions make SEO more complicated than a simple solution to complex problems.

5)- Google is Tight-Lipped

Google has been tight-lipped about its ranking factors for years. Even though there have been many studies done on this topic, Google remains secretive. 

In a way, they are protecting their algorithm and making it harder for web admins to rank higher on search results. The following are the top three reasons why Google is tight-lipped about the ranking factors:

1) They don’t want web admins to game the system.

2) They want to ensure no one can outrank them by using these factors.

3) They don’t want people to know how easy it is to rank higher on search results.

Google is tight-lipped about the ranking factors because they don’t want to give any clues to their competitors. As a result, the Google ranking algorithm is a secret that is guarded with utmost care. 

However, it has been speculated that the algorithm uses over 200 factors to rank websites. However, there are a lot of tips and tricks Google shares via Google Search Central and Google Search Quality Evaluators’ Guidelines.

6)- Google's Penalities

SEO is not a walk in the park; if you are violating Google’s guidelines, he will penalize you.

Google Penalties are a set of guidelines that Google has put in place to penalize websites and web admins who have been caught doing things that are against their guidelines. These penalties can be anything from a manual penalty, a spammy link penalty, or even a Penguin penalty.

Google Penalties are a type of Google Algorithm update that penalize websites for some actions that violate Google’sSearch Central Guidelines. Category and Types of Google Penalties:

Manual Actions: A manual action is a penalty applied by a member of the Google team to a site or page that violates our quality guidelines, such as spamming or hacking.

Unnatural Links: This penalty is applied when there are unnatural links to the site, pointing to it from unrelated sites. 

Malware Detected: This penalty is applied when harmful software has been detected on the site. 

Mobile Friendly Update: The mobile-friendly update was introduced in April 2015 as a way for Google to ensure that search results were optimized for mobile devices. 

Low-Quality Content Update: Low-quality content refers to pages with spelling and grammar mistakes, duplicate content, and other similar issues.

The most common type of Google Penalties is the Manual Penalty. This is when Google manually penalizes your website for something you did wrong, such as having spammy links pointing to your site or having too many ads on your site, which will get you into trouble with the AdSense program.

Penguin is another type of penalty that Google has put in place, which looks at the backlinks pointing to your website, and if they are found to be unnatural, then they can penalize you by dropping you in ranking.

7)- Crawled But Not Indexed

Google Search Console is a great tool for web admins and SEOs to monitor their site’s performance. It can be used to track crawl errors, indexing errors, and other important metrics.

Let me explain what the Crawled but Not Indexed error means, why it happens and how to fix it.

This error message is a common one that Google Search Console users will see. It can be frustrating to know that your website is not being indexed on Google, but it is important to understand the reason behind this issue. The most common reasons for this error are:

– The site is not accessible from Google’s crawlers

– The site has been blocked by robots.txt

– A firewall has blocked the site

– The site has a low priority in Google’s indexing queue

– Low-quality or duplicate content by AI writing tools

How to Fix Crawled but Not Indexed Error:

It is uncalled for to re-submit the URL. Instead, you should work on the quality of content, remove zombie content, update with the latest information and get at least 4-5 quality backlinks for that particular page or post. It will be indexed and ranked by Google within seven days.

8)- SEO is a "Process"

9)- More Effort and Less Output Case

10)- Negative SEO

How to Make SEO Easy

Making a comprehensive SEO strategy for your website is important because it can help you rank higher in search engines. Many different factors affect SEO rankings, and this post will cover some of them are as below:

1)- Website Audit

The first thing that you should do is conduct a site audit. This will give you an idea of how well your site is optimized for SEO. You should also look at the backlinks to see what kind of links your website has.

2)- Keywords Research and Analysis

Another important thing you should do is find out which keywords your competitors are targeting. If they rank well, targeting those keywords might be a good idea. Place keywords wisely.

3)- Website Navigation and Structure

Focus on the semantic core and design the website structure and navigation to improve customer engagement metrics and increase user experience. UI and UX play a key role in Search Engine Optimization.

4)- Content is the King

Content is an essential part of a website. A customer always strives for relevant, quality, and engaging content. In addition, he always expects Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness on crucial topics involving health, life, and financial well-being.

5)- Quality Backlinks

Try to connect your website with quality, relevant, and high-ranking blogs and websites. It will increase your ranking as Google counts editorial references as ranking factors, along with many other factors. However, we should only earn quality backlinks.

6 )- Adopt Holistic Approach

Adopt a holistic approach and apply the best SEO practices to beat the competitors. Though the process needs time and resources, consistency pays, and you will gradually change your website’s ranking, position, and conversion.

Never go for shortcut or blackhat SEO techniques, which may be rewarding in the short term, but in the long term, it will collapse your digital marketing empire or online business. Instead, follow Google quality raters guidelines religiously.

Final Words

It is not easy to rank high on search engines. It is a tough process because many factors, such as content, links, and SEO keywords, need to be taken care of.

The SEO process is hard because it requires much effort and time. To rank high on search engines, you need to understand how they work and how you can use them to your benefit.

When ranking your website on search engines, it would be best to be careful. You should know that the higher you rank, the better your chances are for making sales or leads.

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