How to Get Natural Backlinks in 2023

How to Get Natural Backlinks in 2023

The goal of this blog is to provide a guide on how to get natural, free, and High-Quality backlinks in 2023. In the future, natural backlinks will be the most important factor in SEO. Therefore, it is important to have a strategy to get natural backlinks in 2023.

The term “natural backlink” refers to a website linking to another website without using any paid or sponsored links in the process. There are two ways in which you can get natural backlinks:

1)- Create valuable content that people will want to share on their social media channels or blog posts.

2)- Become an authority in your niche, so that people will want to link to your site.

The most common way of getting natural backlinks is by using social media and content marketing strategies. However, I am going to guide you through the ultimate process to build quality links without much effort.

Quick Links

Does Backlinks Still Matter in 2023?

Backlinks from high-quality, authoritative sources can help improve the ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is because backlinks can be seen as an indicator of the quality and relevance of a website to search engines.

When a website is linked to by other reputable websites, it can signal to search engines that the website is a valuable resource and should be ranked higher in the search results.

While it’s always a good idea to focus on creating high-quality content and building backlinks from reputable sources, it’s important to remember that there is no one “best” way to improve the ranking of a website in the SERPs.

Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and what works today may not work tomorrow. The most effective approach is to focus on creating valuable, useful content and building a strong, diverse backlink profile.

While the specific factors that influence search engine rankings may change over time, backlinks are likely to remain a significant factor in 2023 and beyond.

Here are ten reasons why quality backlinks are likely to continue to matter in 2023:

  1. Backlinks are an indicator of the quality and relevance of a website.

  2. Backlinks from authoritative sources can help improve a website’s visibility and credibility.

  3. Backlinks can help drive referral traffic to a website.

  4. Backlinks can help improve the ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

  5. Backlinks can help establish a website as a thought leader in its industry.

  6. Backlinks can help a website attract and retain customers.

  7. Backlinks can help a website build brand awareness and reputation.

  8. Backlinks can help a website generate leads and sales.

  9. Backlinks can help a website stand out from its competitors.

  10. Backlinks can help a website build relationships with other businesses and industry influencers.

Why Getting Natural Backlink is Hard in 2023

Here are ten potential reasons why it may be difficult to get free, high-quality backlinks in 2023:

1)- Competition: As more websites are created and more businesses enter the online space, it may become increasingly competitive to get backlinks from high-quality sources.

2)- Changes in search algorithms: As search algorithms evolve, the factors that influence ranking may change, making it harder to predict what types of backlinks will be most valuable.

3)- Increased focus on quality: As search engines place more emphasis on the quality of websites and backlinks, it may be harder to get backlinks from reputable sources.

4)- Changes in link-building practices: The tactics and strategies that are effective for link-building may change over time, making it harder to get high-quality backlinks.

5)- Decreased effectiveness of certain tactics: Some tactics that were previously effective for link building, such as web 2.0 link-building and directory submissions, may become less effective over time.

6)- Increased scrutiny: As search engines become better at detecting and penalizing manipulative link-building practices, it may be harder to get backlinks using questionable tactics.

7)- Changes in the web ecosystem: As the web ecosystem evolves, the types of websites and resources that are likely to link to a given website may change.

8)- The decreased value of certain types of links: Some types of links, such as links from low-quality or spammy websites, may become less valuable over time.

9)- The increased importance of other ranking factors: As search engines place more emphasis on factors such as user experience, content quality, and website performance, it may be harder to get backlinks as a standalone ranking factor.

10)- The decreased value of backlinks overall: As search engines become better at understanding the context and relevance of a website, the overall value of backlinks as a ranking factor may decrease.

Link Building Strategy in 2023

It’s difficult to predict with certainty what the most effective link-building strategies will be in 2023, as search algorithms and the web ecosystem are constantly evolving. That being said, here are some potential strategies that could be effective in 2023 and beyond:

1)- Create high-quality, relevant content: Creating relevant content is the best way to earn backlinks. You need to focus on creating content that is valuable, useful, and relevant to your audience. This could include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, or other types of content.

2)- Build relationships: Building relationships with other businesses, influencers, and industry experts can be a powerful way to earn backlinks. This could involve guest posting, commenting on blogs, or participating in online communities related to your industry.

3)- Utilize social media: Social media platforms can be a great way to promote your content and build relationships with potential backlink sources.

4)- Participate in industry events: Attending industry events, conferences, and trade shows can be a good way to meet potential backlink sources and build relationships.

5)- Utilize partnerships and sponsorships: Partnering with other businesses or sponsoring events can be a good way to earn backlinks.

6)- Create resources and tools: Creating resources and tools that are valuable to your audience can be a good way to earn backlinks, as other websites may be willing to link to useful resources.

7)- Monitor and analyze your backlink profile: It’s important to regularly monitor and analyze your backlink profile to ensure that you are getting high-quality backlinks from reputable sources. If you find any low-quality or spammy backlinks, it’s important to disavow them.

It’s important to remember that what works for one website may not work for another, and it’s important to find the link-building tactics that work best for your business. It may also be helpful to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in the search industry in order to find new opportunities for link-building.

Natural Link Building Methods in 2023

In order to get natural backlinks, you need to have an authoritative website that has good content with a lot of social media shares. You also need to have a good amount of traffic from organic searches and social media shares.

The most important factor is the quality of your content. This means that you need to write unique and engaging content for your site and make sure it interests people enough so they share it on their own accord.

Then you can try the below methods to build quality links:

Create Share-Worthy Content

Share-worthy content is the goal of every SEO. We all know that there are a lot of ways to get quality backlinks and increase your rankings, but most of them are not that natural.

Some techniques, like buying links or using spammy tactics, will get you penalized quickly by search engines. So it’s important to find ways to create share-worthy content on your own without having to resort to these methods.

Here are ten ways to create share-worthy content that may help you earn natural backlinks:

1)- Write in-depth, comprehensive blogs that provide value to readers.

2)- Create and share infographics, which can be easily shared and linked to.

3)- Create and share videos, which can be a powerful way to convey information and are often shared on social media and websites.

4)- Write and publish case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of a product or service.

5)- Share industry news and insights on your blog or social media channels.

6)- Write and publish thought leadership pieces that showcase your expertise in your field.

7)- Create and share tools or resources that are useful to your audience.

8)- Write and publish research or data-driven content that is unique and valuable.

9)- Create and share engaging quizzes or surveys that spark interest and are shared by users.

10)- Participate in online communities related to your industry and contribute valuable insights and content.

Create Share Worthy Content

Resource Page Link Building

Resource page link building is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results. It involves identifying resource pages on other websites that are related to the content on your own site and then getting a link to your site included on those resource pages.

There are several ways to go about resource page link building:

1)- Identify relevant resource pages using tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush.

2)- Reach out to the webmasters or content creators of those resource pages and ask if they would be interested in including a link to your site.

3)- Provide value to the resource page by creating high-quality content that would be useful to their audience.

4)- Create a list of valuable resources for a specific topic and offer it to webmasters in exchange for a link.

5)- Write guest posts for relevant blogs and include a link to your site in the post.

6)- Participate in online communities and forums related to your industry and include a link to your site in your signature or profile.

7)- Submit your site to relevant directories or link roundups.

8)- Offer to write a review of a product or service in exchange for a link to your site.

9)- Partner with other businesses or organizations in your industry and include links to each other’s sites.

10)- Attend events or conferences related to your industry and include a link to your site in any press releases or coverage of the event.

Broken Link Methods

Broken link building is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results. It involves identifying broken links on other websites and then offering to replace those links with a link to your own site.

Here is a step-by-step method for broken link building:

1)- Identify websites in your industry or niche that are relevant to your own site.

2)- Use a tool such as Ahrefs or SEMrush to identify broken links on those websites.

3)- Create high-quality content on your own site that would be a suitable replacement for the broken link.

4)- Reach out to the webmaster or content creator of the website with the broken link and let them know about the broken link and suggest your own site as a replacement.

5)- Provide the webmaster with the URL of the relevant page on your site and any other relevant information they may need.

6)- If the webmaster agrees to replace the broken link with a link to your site, make sure to thank them and follow up to ensure that the link has been properly added.

7)- Repeat this process for other broken links on other websites to build a diverse set of backlinks to your site.

Keep in mind that it is important to be respectful and helpful when reaching out to webmasters about broken links. Offer to provide value to their site by suggesting a replacement link, rather than simply requesting a link for your own benefit.

Strategic Content Partnerships

Strategic content partnerships are collaborations between two or more organizations or individuals to create and share content for mutual benefit. Here is a step-by-step approach to forming strategic content partnerships:

1)- Identify potential partners that are relevant to your industry or niche. These can be other businesses, organizations, or individuals that have a complementary audience or focus.

2)- Reach out to potential partners to introduce yourself and your business, and explain how a content partnership could be mutually beneficial.

3)- Discuss potential ideas for content collaboration, such as co-authoring a blog post or creating a joint webinar or whitepaper.

4)- Determine the details of the partnership, including the format and schedule for the content, any necessary resources or budget, and how the partnership will be promoted.

5)- Create the content according to the agreed-upon plan and schedule.

6)- Promote the content through your respective channels and networks to maximize visibility and reach.

7)- Review the results of the partnership and discuss the possibility of future content collaborations.


Remember to be respectful and professional when forming strategic content partnerships. Make sure to clearly communicate your goals and expectations, and be open to feedback and suggestions from your partners.

Link Reclamation (Find Unlinked Mentions)

Link reclamation is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results. It involves identifying unlinked mentions of your website or brand on other websites and then asking those websites to add a link to your site.

Here is a step-by-step process for getting backlinks through link reclamation:

1)- Use a tool such as Ahrefs or Google Alerts to identify unlinked mentions of your website or brand on other websites.

2)- Reach out to the webmasters or content creators of those websites and let them know about the unlinked mention.

3)- Provide them with the URL of your website and any other relevant information they may need.

4)- Ask them to add a link to your site in the unlinked mention.

5)- Thank them for adding the link and follow up to ensure that the link has been properly added.

6)- Repeat this process for other unlinked mentions on other websites to build a diverse set of backlinks to your site.

Remember to be respectful and helpful when reaching out to webmasters about unlinked mentions. Offer to provide value to their site by suggesting a link to your site as a helpful resource, rather than simply requesting a link for your own benefit.

Answering HARO Requests

HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is a service that connects journalists and media outlets with sources for their articles. By answering HARO requests, you can get backlinks to your website and improve the visibility and ranking of your site in search engine results. 

Here are ten ways to answer HARO requests to get backlinks:

1)- Sign up for a free or paid subscription to the HARO service.

2)- Set up email alerts to receive daily or weekly summaries of relevant requests.

3)- Review the requests carefully to make sure that you are qualified to provide the information or insights being sought.

4)- Respond to requests promptly and provide relevant and helpful information.

5)- Include a link to your website in your response, along with a brief description of your business or expertise.

6)- Follow up with the journalist if you do not receive a response within a reasonable time frame.

7)- If your response is used in the article, make sure to share the article on your social media channels and other relevant online communities.

8)- Consider creating a media page on your website to showcase any media mentions or articles you have contributed to.

9)- Reach out to journalists proactively to pitch your expertise or business as a potential source for their articles.

10)- Stay up to date with current events and trends in your industry to increase your chances of being selected as a source for relevant HARO requests.

Remember to be professional and respectful when answering HARO requests, and always prioritize providing valuable and accurate information over promoting your business or website.

Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves partnering with influential people in your industry or niche to promote your business or website. By working with influencers, you can get backlinks to your site and improve the visibility and ranking of your site in search engine results. Here are some steps to use influencer marketing to get a quality backlink:

1)- Identify influential people in your industry or niche who have a large and engaged following on social media or other online platforms.

2)- Research their content and audience to make sure they are a good fit for your business.

3)- Reach out to the influencer and introduce yourself and your business. Explain how a partnership with your business could benefit its audience.

4)- Offer to create content or other resources that would be valuable to the influencer’s followers in exchange for a backlink to your site.

5)- Collaborate with the influencer to create and promote the content.

6)- Monitor the results of the partnership and consider working with the influencer again in the future if it was successful.

Remember to be respectful and professional when working with influencers. Offer value to their audience, rather than simply requesting a backlink for your own benefit. Also, be aware that some influencers may charge a fee for their services.

Reach Out to Journalists

Reaching out to journalists can be an effective way to get backlinks to your website and improve the visibility and ranking of your site in search engine results. Here are ten ways to reach out to journalists to get quality backlinks:

1)- Research journalists and media outlets that cover topics related to your industry or business.

2)- Follow the journalists on social media and engage with their content to get on their radar.

3)- Find the journalists’ email addresses or contact information on their personal website or through a service such as Muck Rack.

4)- Write a personalized and professional email introducing yourself and your business, and explaining how your expertise or business could be relevant to their readers.

5)- Offer to provide further information or resources, such as a press release or data, if they are interested in learning more.

6)- Include a link to your website in the email, along with a brief description of your business or expertise.

7)- Follow up with the journalist if you do not receive a response within a reasonable time frame.

8)- If the journalist agrees to cover your business or include a link to your site, make sure to thank them and provide any necessary information or resources in a timely manner.

9)- Share any articles or media coverage on your social media channels and other relevant online communities.

10)- Consider creating a media page on your website to showcase any media mentions or articles you have contributed to.

Remember to be respectful and professional when reaching out to journalists, and always prioritize providing valuable and accurate information over promoting your business or website.

Create Round Up Posts

Round-up posts are blog posts that feature a collection of expert opinions, tips, or resources on a specific topic. By creating round-up posts, you can get backlinks to your website and improve the visibility and ranking of your site in search engine results.

Here are some steps to create round-up posts to get quality backlinks:

1)- Identify a topic that is relevant to your industry or niche, and that would be of interest to your audience.

2)- Research and identify experts or influencers in your industry or niche who can provide valuable insights or tips on the topic.

3)- Reach out to the experts or influencers and ask if they would be willing to contribute to a round-up post on the topic.

4)- Provide them with the details of the round-up post, including the topic, format, and deadline.

5)- Create the round-up post according to the agreed-upon plan and schedule.

6)- Include a link to each expert or influencer’s website or social media profile in the round-up post.

7)- Promote the round-up post through your own channels and networks, and encourage the experts or influencers to share it as well.

8)- Monitor the results of the round-up post and consider creating similar posts in the future if it was successful.

Remember to be respectful and professional when reaching out to experts or influencers and ask for their contributions. Offer to provide value to their audience by featuring their expertise in your round-up post.

Create Quality Visual Assets

Creating quality visual assets, such as infographics, memes, and videos can be an effective way to get backlinks to your website and improve the visibility and ranking of your site in search engine results. Here are some steps to create quality visual assets to get natural backlinks:

1)- Identify a topic that is relevant to your industry or niche, and that would be of interest to your audience.

2)- Research the topic and gather relevant data or information that can be presented visually.

3)- Choose a visual asset format that would be most effective for the topic, such as an infographic, meme, or video.

4)- Use a tool or software to create the visual asset, or hire a designer if necessary.

5)- Promote the visual asset through your own channels and networks, and consider reaching out to relevant blogs or websites to ask if they would be interested in featuring the asset.

6)- Include a link to your website in the visual asset and in any accompanying text or descriptions.

7)- Monitor the results of the visual asset and consider creating similar assets in the future if it was successful.

Remember to focus on creating high-quality, informative, and visually appealing assets that will be valuable to your audience. This will increase the chances that other websites will want to feature your visual assets and link back to your site.

Referential Content Asset Strategy (Create Referential Content)

Creating referential content, also known as link bait, is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to attract backlinks to a website. Referential content is high-quality, informative, and valuable content that is created with the goal of attracting backlinks from other websites. Here is a strategy for creating referential content to get quality backlinks:

1)- Identify a topic or issue that is relevant to your industry or niche and that would be of interest to your audience.

2)- Research the topic or issue and gather relevant data, statistics, or information.

3)- Create a piece of content, such as a blog post, video, or infographic, that presents the information in an informative and visually appealing way.

4)- Promote the content through your own channels and networks, and consider reaching out to relevant blogs or websites to ask if they would be interested in featuring the content.

5)- Include a link to your website in the content and in any accompanying text or descriptions.

6)- Monitor the results of the content and consider creating similar content in the future if it was successful.

Shareable Content - Statistics

Remember to focus on creating high-quality, informative, and valuable content that will be of interest to your audience and other websites. This will increase the chances that other websites will want to link back to your site.

Steal the Competitor’s Strategy of Link Building

Link building is a long-term strategy that requires patience, skill, and knowledge. It can take months or years to build up the necessary trust and authority. The best way to steal a competitor’s link-building strategy is to learn their tactics and implement them in your own link-building program.

The best way to steal a competitor’s strategy of link-building is by learning their tactics and implementing them in your own link-building program.

The best way to steal the competitor’s strategy of link building is by understanding what they are doing and how they are doing it.

Here are some steps you can take to check and replicate your competitors’ link-building strategies:

1)- Use a backlink analysis tool: There are several tools available that can help you analyze the backlink profiles of your competitors. Some popular options include Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz. These tools can help you see which websites are linking to your competitors and the anchor text they are using.

2)- Analyze your competitors’ content: Look at the types of content your competitors are creating and see if there are any opportunities to create similar content that could earn backlinks.

3)- Check for broken links: Use a tool like Ahrefs to find broken links on your competitors’ websites. You can then reach out to the website owner and offer to provide a replacement link.

4)- Identify common link sources: Look for patterns in the backlinks of your competitors to see if there are any common sources of links. You can then try to replicate this by reaching out to these websites and proposing a collaboration or partnership.

5)- Analyze your competitors’ social media presence: Check your competitors’ social media profiles to see if they are using these platforms to promote their content and earn backlinks.

It’s important to remember that what works for your competitors may not work for you, and it’s important to find the link-building tactics that work best for your business. It’s also important to avoid engaging in any tactics that violate search engine guidelines, as this can result in penalties.

Podcast Guesting

Podcast guesting is a technique used to promote a website or business by appearing as a guest on a podcast. By appearing on podcasts, you can get backlinks to your site and improve the visibility and ranking of your site in search engine results. Here are some steps to use podcast guesting to get natural quality backlinks:

1)- Identify podcasts that are relevant to your industry or niche and that have a large and engaged audience.

2)- Research the podcasts and their hosts to make sure they are a good fit for your business.

3)- Reach out to the podcast hosts and offer to be a guest on their show.

4)- Discuss potential topics and formats for the podcast episode, and agree on a schedule for the recording.

5)- Prepare for the podcast by researching the topic and practicing any relevant talking points or examples.

6)- Record the podcast according to the agreed-upon schedule and format.

7)- Promote the podcast episode through your own channels and networks, and encourage the podcast host to do the same.

8)- Include a link to your website in the show notes or description of the podcast episode.

9)- Monitor the results of the podcast guesting and consider appearing on other podcasts in the future if it was successful.

Remember to be professional and respectful when appearing on podcasts, and focus on providing valuable and informative content for the audience.

Skyscrapers Techniques

Skyscraper techniques are a method used in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results. 

The techniques involve creating high-quality, informative content that is significantly better than similar content on other websites, and then promoting the content to attract backlinks.

Here are some steps to use skyscraper techniques to get natural quality backlinks:

1)- Identify a topic that is relevant to your industry or niche and that would be of interest to your audience.

3)- Research the topic and gather relevant data, statistics, or information.

4)- Create a piece of content, such as a blog post, video, or infographic, that presents the information in an informative and visually appealing way.

5)- Make sure the content is significantly better than similar content on other websites. This may involve including more data or research, using more engaging visuals, or adding additional value in some other way.

6)- Promote the content through your own channels and networks, and consider reaching out to relevant blogs or websites to ask if they would be interested in featuring the content.

7)- Include a link to your website in the content and in any accompanying text or descriptions.

8)- Monitor the results of the content and consider creating similar content in the future if it was successful.

Remember to focus on creating high-quality, informative, and valuable content that will be of interest to your audience and other websites. This will increase the chances that other websites will want to link back to your site.

Outreach for Guest Postings

Guest posting is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results. It involves writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website, typically in exchange for a backlink to your own site.

Here are ten ways to outreach for natural and quality guest postings:

1)- Identify websites that are relevant to your industry or niche and have a large and engaged audience.

2)- Research the websites and their content to make sure they are a good fit for your business.

3)- Review the websites’ guidelines for guest posting, if available, to make sure you are familiar with their requirements.

4)- Write a compelling pitch for your guest post, explaining why your article would be valuable to the website’s audience and why you are qualified to write it.

5)- Reach out to the website’s editor or owner through email or social media and propose your guest post.

6)- Provide a brief outline or sample of the guest post to give the editor an idea of what the article will cover.

7)- Negotiate the terms of the guest post, including the backlink to your site, if applicable.

8)- Write the guest post according to the agreed-upon terms and schedule.

9)- Include a link to your website in the guest post, along with a brief description of your business or expertise.

10)- Promote the guest post through your own channels and networks, and consider reaching out.

Bottom Line

Backlinks are a crucial part of search engine algorithms. They are the signals that tell Google and other engines that a website is relevant to a particular keyword.

In order to get natural backlinks, you need to have an interesting website with unique content that is worth linking to. You also need to make sure your website is mobile responsive and has a good user experience.

  • Create valuable and informative content that is relevant to your industry or niche.
  • Participate in online communities and forums related to your industry and include a link to your site in your signature or profile.
  • Write guest posts for relevant blogs and include a link to your site in the post.
  • Offer to write a review of a product or service in exchange for a link to your site.
  • Partner with other businesses or organizations in your industry and include links to each other’s sites.
  • Attend events or conferences related to your industry and include a link to your site in any press releases or coverage of the event.
  • Submit your site to relevant directories or link roundups.
  • Use social media to promote your content and website and encourage others to share and link to your site.
  • Reach out to webmasters or content creators of relevant resource pages and ask if they would be interested in including a link to your site.
  • Use tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush to identify broken links on other websites and offer to replace those links with a link to your own site.

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