What is a Quality Backlink?

What is a Quality Backlink?

Quality backlinks are an important factor in improving your website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs)

They help to build trust and credibility with search engines, as well as increase the relevance of your website in the eyes of potential customers. Quality backlinks also have a direct impact on the amount of organic traffic that you receive.

In this post, we will discuss what a quality backlink is, why it is important, and how you can acquire them for your website. It is better to understand Link Building Methods before going through their quality.

We will also cover some useful tips for maintaining the quality of your backlinks so that you can maximize their effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended to read the complete post if you want to know, how to evaluate the quality of backlinks.

Quick Links

Measuring Quality of Backlinks

The quality of a backlink in SEO refers to how valuable it is for improving the search engine rankings of a website. There are several factors that can influence the quality of a backlink, including

  •  The website’s domain authority
  • The relevance of the website to the linked website
  • The trustworthiness of the website
  • The number of backlinks pointing to the website
  • The anchor text of the backlink
  • Placement of link on the page and
  • Whether the link is a do-follow or no-follow link.

In general, backlinks from high-quality websites that are relevant to your own, have high domain authority and use relevant anchor text are the most valuable for improving search engine rankings.

On the other hand, backlinks from low-quality websites or spammy websites can actually harm your search engine rankings, so it is important to be selective about the websites you get backlinks from.

Link Building: Does Quality Matter

Yes, quality matters when it comes to backlinks in SEO. A backlink is a link from one website to another, and they are an important factor in how search engines determine the relevance and credibility of a website. 

Backlinks from high-quality, authoritative websites can improve a website’s ranking in search results, while backlinks from low-quality spammy websites or shady methods of link building can hurt a website’s ranking.

It’s important to focus on getting high-quality natural backlinks from reputable websites, rather than trying to acquire a large number of backlinks from any website.

Backlink Quality Parameters

Backlinks are an important part of any website’s Search Engine Optimization Strategy. It is important to check the quality of the backlinks pointing to your site in order to ensure that they are helping your website rank higher in search engines.

Poor quality backlinks can have a negative impact on your website’s ranking and visibility, so it is essential that you take the time to review them regularly. Let us check the top ten parameters of backlinks:

Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA)

Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) are metrics developed by Moz that predict how well a website will rank on search engines. DA is a measure of the overall authority and credibility of a website, while PA is a measure of the authority and credibility of a specific page on a website.

Both DA and PA are scored on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a higher level of authority. These scores are calculated based on a number of factors, including the number and quality of backlinks pointing to a website or page, the age and history of the website, and the overall quality of the website’s content.

When it comes to backlinks, both DA and PA can be useful indicators of the quality of a link. In general, a backlink from a website with a high DA or PA is more valuable than a backlink from a website with a lower score.

However, it’s important to remember that these metrics are just one factor to consider when evaluating the quality of a backlink. Other factors, such as the relevance of the linking website to your own and the context in which the link is placed, can also be important considerations.

Summary of Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) – These are scores developed by Moz that predict how well a website will rank on search engines. A higher DA and PA score indicate a higher quality backlink.


Relevance is an important factor to consider when evaluating the quality of a backlink. A backlink from a website that is closely related to your own website and its content is generally more valuable than a backlink from a completely unrelated website.

This is because search engines use backlinks to help determine the relevance and credibility of a website. 

  • If a website with relevant content links to your website, it can help signal to search engines that your website is also relevant and trustworthy. 
  • On the other hand, a backlink from an unrelated website may not provide as much value in terms of improving your website’s ranking or credibility.

In addition to relevance, there are other factors to consider when evaluating the quality of a backlink. These can include the authority and credibility of the linking website, the context in which the link is placed, and the overall quality of the linking website’s content.

Summary of Relevance – A backlink is more valuable if it comes from a website that is relevant to your own. For example, a backlink from a website about gardening would be more valuable for a website about gardening than a backlink from a website about car repair.


A backlink from a trustworthy website can be more powerful in terms of improving a website’s ranking and credibility. Trustworthy websites are generally those that have a good reputation, provide valuable and accurate information, and adhere to best practices for web design and user experience.

There are several ways you can check the trustworthiness of a website:

  1. Check the website’s Domain Authority (DA): DA is a metric developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engines. A website with a high DA is generally considered more trustworthy than a website with a low DA.

  2. Look for third-party endorsements: Websites that have been endorsed or recommended by trusted sources, such as industry organizations or media outlets, are generally considered more trustworthy.

  3. Check the website’s content: A website that publishes high-quality, well-researched content is generally more trustworthy than a website with low-quality or spammy content. If the website fulfil Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines like EAT and YMYL, then it would be considered trustworthy.

  4. Evaluate the website’s design and user experience: Websites that have a professional design and are easy to navigate are generally more trustworthy than those that are poorly designed or difficult to use.

  5. Consider the website’s history: Websites that have been around for a long time and have a track record of providing value to users are generally more trustworthy than newer websites with little or no history.

Keep in mind that trustworthiness is just one factor to consider when evaluating the quality of a backlink. It’s also important to consider the relevance and authority of the linking website, as well as the context in which the link is placed.

Summary of Trustworthiness – Backlinks from trustworthy websites, such as government or educational websites, are generally considered to be of higher quality.

Anchor Text

The anchor text of a backlink is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. It is the text that a user clicks on to follow the link. In the context of backlinks, the anchor text can be an important factor in how search engines determine the relevance and credibility of a website.

Here are some ways that the anchor text of a backlink can impact the quality of the link:

  1. Relevance: The anchor text should be relevant to the content of the linked website. For example, if a website about gardening links to a website about flowers, the anchor text could be something like “flowers” or “flower gardening.” Using relevant anchor text helps search engines understand the context of the link and can improve the value of the link.

  2. Keyword usage: Using relevant keywords in the anchor text can help search engines understand the content of the linked website and can improve its ranking for those keywords. However, it’s important to avoid overusing keywords in the anchor text, as this can be seen as spammy and can hurt a website’s ranking.

  3. Naturalness: The anchor text should sound natural and not be overly promotional or spammy. Using a variety of anchor text, rather than always using the same exact phrase, can help make the backlinks look more natural to search engines.

  4. Context: The context in which the backlink is placed can also impact the quality of the link. A backlink that is placed in a relevant and informative article is generally more valuable than a backlink that is placed in a spammy or low-quality article.

Keep in mind that anchor text is just one factor to consider when evaluating the quality of a backlink. It’s important to consider the overall context of the link and the credibility and relevance of the linking website as well.

Summary of Anchor Text – The anchor text of a backlink is the text that is linked to your website. Having relevant anchor text can help improve the relevance and quality of a backlink.

Do Follow vs. Nofollow Links

A do-follow backlink is a link that tells search engines to follow it and to use the link as a factor in determining the credibility and ranking of the linked website.

In contrast, a no-follow backlink is a link that tells search engines not to follow it and not to use the link as a factor in determining the credibility and ranking of the linked website.

No-follow links are often used when a website wants to link to another website but doesn’t want to pass along any of its own credibility or ranking power to that website.

No-follow links can be useful in situations where the linking website doesn’t want to endorse the linked website or when the linked website is not trustworthy or relevant.

In general, do-follow backlinks are more valuable than no-follow backlinks in terms of improving a website’s ranking and credibility.

However, it’s important to remember that not all do-follow backlinks are created equal, and it’s important to focus on getting high-quality, relevant do-follow backlinks rather than a large number of low-quality or spammy do-follow backlinks.

Summary of Do-Follow vs. No-follow Links – A follow link passes link equity to your website, while a no-follow link does not. While no-follow links may not directly impact your search rankings, they can still be valuable for driving traffic to your website.

IP Address

An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. Every device on the internet, including servers and websites, has a unique IP address.

In the context of backlinks, the IP address of a website can be a factor in determining the quality of the backlinks pointing to that website. 

For example, if a large number of backlinks are coming from websites that all have the same IP address, it could be a sign that those links are not natural and may have been artificially created by a private blog network (PBN).

This could lead search engines to view the backlinks as low quality and not give them as much weight in determining the credibility and ranking of the linked website.

On the other hand, if a website has a diverse range of backlinks coming from websites with different IP addresses, it can be a sign that the backlinks are more natural and have been earned through legitimate means. This can help improve the value of the backlinks in the eyes of search engines.

Summary of IP AddressCreating backlinks from different IP addresses ensures that they are seen as natural and organic by search engines. 

It also helps in diversifying the sources of traffic which can further improve website visibility and ranking. Additionally, it helps in avoiding any potential penalties due to link manipulation or spammy practices like Private Blog Network (PBN).


Traffic is the number of visitors that a website receives. In the context of backlinks, traffic can be an indicator of the quality of a backlink.

A backlink from a website with a high level of traffic can be more valuable than a backlink from a website with little or no traffic, as it can bring more visibility and potential customers to the linked website.

A high volume of traffic on a website can be an indicator that the website is popular and valuable to its visitors. This can make a backlink from that website more valuable in terms of improving a linked website’s visibility and credibility.

Here are a few reasons why a backlink from a website with a high volume of traffic might be considered more powerful:

  1. Increased visibility: A backlink from a high-traffic website can bring more visibility to the linked website, as the link will be seen by a larger number of people. This can lead to increased traffic and potential customers for the linked website.

  2. Credibility: A high-traffic website is generally considered more credible and reputable than a low-traffic website. A backlink from a credible and reputable website can improve the credibility and trustworthiness of the linked website in the eyes of search engines and users.

  3. Authority: Websites with a high volume of traffic are often considered more authoritative in their industry or niche. A backlink from an authoritative website can help boost the authority and ranking of the linked website.

It’s also worth noting that traffic is not always a reliable indicator of the quality of a website. A website with a lot of traffic might not necessarily be high quality or reputable. It’s important to evaluate the overall credibility and relevance of a website, rather than just looking at its traffic, when determining the value of a backlink.

Summary of Traffic – Backlinks from websites with high levels of traffic can be more valuable, as they can potentially drive more traffic to your website.

Placement on the Page

The placement of a backlink on a webpage can be an important factor in determining the quality of the link. In general, backlinks that are placed in relevant and informative content are more valuable than backlinks that are placed in low-quality or spammy content.

Here are ten tips for placing backlink anchor text in a way that is natural and improves the value of the link:

  1. Use relevant anchor text: The anchor text should be relevant to the content of the linked website. This helps search engines understand the context of the link and can improve the value of the link.

  2. Avoid overusing keywords: While it’s important to use relevant keywords in the anchor text, it’s important to avoid overusing them. Using too many keywords in the anchor text can make the link look spammy and can hurt the linked website’s ranking.

  3. Use descriptive anchor text: The anchor text should accurately describe the content of the linked website. Using vague or misleading anchor text can lead to a poor user experience and can hurt the credibility of the linked website.

  4. Use a variety of anchor text: Rather than using the same exact phrase as the anchor text for all of your backlinks, mix it up and use a variety of descriptive phrases. This can make the backlinks look more natural to search engines.

  5. Place the link in relevant content: The backlink should be placed in content that is relevant to the linked website. This helps search engines understand the context of the link and can improve the value of the link.

  6. Make the link visible: The backlink should be placed in a visible and prominent location on the webpage, rather than being buried in the footer or hidden in the source code.

  7. Use anchor text that is natural and flows with the content: The anchor text should sound natural and not be overly promotional or spammy. It should fit in seamlessly with the surrounding content.

  8. Don’t stuff the anchor text with keywords: While it’s important to use relevant keywords in the anchor text, it’s important to avoid cramming too many keywords into a single link.

Summary of Placement on the page – Backlinks that are placed in the main content area of a page are generally more valuable than those placed in the footer or sidebar.

Website Design and User Experience

The website structure, navigation, design, and user experience of a website can be important factors in determining the quality of a backlink from that website. In general, websites that have a professional design and are easy to navigate are considered more trustworthy and credible than those that are poorly designed or difficult to use.

Here are a few factors to consider when evaluating the design and user experience of a website:

  1. Professional appearance: A website with a professional appearance is generally more trustworthy and credible than a website that looks amateurish or unprofessional.

  2. Easy navigation: A website that is easy to navigate is generally more user-friendly than a website that is difficult to use. This can improve the user experience and make the website more appealing to visitors.

  3. Mobile-friendliness: A website that is optimized for mobile devices is generally more user-friendly and can provide a better experience for mobile users.

  4. Fast loading times: A website that loads quickly is generally more appealing to users than a website that takes a long time to load.

  5. Relevant and high-quality content: A website with relevant and high-quality content is generally more trustworthy and credible than a website with low-quality or spammy content.

Summary of Website design and user experience – Backlinks from websites with professional designs and good user experiences can be more valuable

Link Diversity

Link diversity refers to the variety and diversity of backlinks pointing to a website. Having a diverse range of backlinks can be an important factor in determining the quality of those links.

Backlink diversity is generally considered an ideal practice because it can help improve the credibility and trustworthiness of a website, boost the website’s authority and ranking, and make the backlinks look more natural to search engines.

Here are a few ways to achieve link diversity:

  1. Get backlinks from a variety of sources: Rather than just focusing on getting backlinks from a single source, try to get backlinks from a variety of sources, such as industry websites, blogs, social media platforms, and online directories.

  2. Use a variety of anchor text: Rather than using the same exact phrase as the anchor text for all of your backlinks, mix it up and use a variety of descriptive phrases. This can make the backlinks look more natural to search engines.

  3. Get backlinks from relevant websites: Focus on getting backlinks from websites that are relevant to your own and that provide value to your target audience.

  4. Use a mix of do-follow and no-follow links: While do-follow links are generally more valuable than no-follow links, it’s important to have a mix of both types of links. This can help make the backlinks look more natural to search engines.

  5. Monitor your backlinks regularly: Use a tool like Google Search Console or Ahrefs to monitor your backlinks and ensure that you have a diverse range of links pointing to your website.

Summary of Link Diversity – Having a diverse set of backlinks from a variety of sources can be more valuable than having a large number of backlinks from a single source.

SEO Link Building: Do and Don't


Here are ten do’s for SEO link building:

  1. Do create high-quality content that other websites will want to link to.
  2. Do use relevant and specific anchor text when linking to your website.
  3. Do seek out backlinks from authoritative and trusted websites.
  4. Do use social media to promote your content and encourage backlinks.
  5. Do use internal linking to help distribute link equity throughout your website.
  6. Do research and analyze your competitors’ backlinks to identify potential link building opportunities.
  7. Do diversify your backlink portfolio by getting links from a variety of sources.
  8. Do monitor your backlinks to ensure they are high quality and relevant.
  9. Do use a combination of different link building tactics, such as guest posting and broken link building.
  10. Do be patient and consistent in your link building efforts.

Here are ten don’ts for SEO link building:

  1. Don’t participate in link schemes or buy backlinks.
  2. Don’t use exact match anchor text for all of your backlinks.
  3. Don’t link to spammy or low-quality websites.
  4. Don’t use automated tools to generate backlinks.
  5. Don’t overuse exact match anchor text or use it in a spammy way.
  6. Don’t hide links in the footer or sidebar of your website.
  7. Don’t use the same anchor text for every backlink.
  8. Don’t use the same source for all of your backlinks.
  9. Don’t use cloaking or redirects to hide links from users.
  10. Don’t ignore the quality of your backlinks in favor of quantity.
  11. Don’t follow black hat SEO techniques to build backlinks.
Backlinks: Do and Don'ts

How to Remove Spammy Links

Spammy backlinks are links from low-quality or spammy websites that are created with the intention of manipulating search engine rankings. 

These types of backlinks can be detrimental to a website’s search engine rankings because they can be seen as an attempt to manipulate the search algorithms. 

Removing spammy backlinks can help improve a website’s search engine rankings and can also protect the website’s reputation. In addition, if a website has too many spammy backlinks, it could potentially be penalized by search engines, which can lead to a significant decrease in traffic and visibility. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to removing low-quality and spammy backlinks:

  1. Identify low-quality and spammy backlinks: Use a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush to find low-quality or spammy backlinks pointing to your website. Look for links from websites with a low domain rating, links from websites with a high percentage of spammy backlinks, or links from websites with unrelated or low-quality content.

  2. Disavow the links: Use the Google Search Console to disavow the low-quality and spammy backlinks. To do this, create a text file with the URLs of the backlinks you want to disavow and upload the file to the Search Console. This tells Google to ignore these links when determining the credibility and ranking of your website.

  3. Monitor your backlinks: Regularly check your backlinks to make sure you aren’t getting any new low-quality or spammy links. Use a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush to monitor your backlinks and take action as needed.

  4. Focus on building high-quality backlinks: In addition to removing low-quality and spammy backlinks, make sure to focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. This can help improve your website’s ranking and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

  5. Reach out to webmasters: If you find a low-quality or spammy backlink that you can’t remove or disavow, you can try reaching out to the webmaster of the website to ask them to remove the link. Be polite and provide any evidence you have that the link is low quality or spammy.

Bottom Line

When it comes to backlinks, it’s important to focus on both quality and quantity. Here are some guidelines to help you understand the balance between these two factors:

  1. Quality matters more than quantity: While it’s important to have a good number of backlinks pointing to your website, the quality of those links is more important than the quantity. Backlinks from high-quality, authoritative websites can have a bigger impact on your website’s ranking than a larger number of low-quality or spammy links.

  2. Diversify your backlinks: It’s important to have a diverse range of backlinks from different websites and sources. Having a mix of backlinks from different types of websites (e.g., industry blogs, news websites, and social media platforms) can be more beneficial than having a large number of links from a single source.

  3. Avoid link schemes: Link schemes, or the practice of artificially manipulating the number of backlinks to a website, are against Google’s guidelines and can result in a penalty. It’s important to avoid any tactics that could be considered part of a link scheme, such as buying backlinks or participating in link exchange programs.

  4. Focus on building high-quality backlinks: Instead of trying to acquire a large number of backlinks from any website, focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry or niche. This can help improve your website’s credibility and ranking in the eyes of search engines.

  5. Monitor your backlinks: Regularly monitor your backlinks to ensure that you aren’t getting any low-quality or spammy links. Use a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush to check your backlinks and take action as needed to remove or disavow any low-quality links.

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