Schema Markup and Snippets

Schema Markup and Snippets

Schema markup is a way to make the web more searchable and readable. It can be used for any type of content on the web, from recipes to events.

The use of schema markup is not just for search engines, it also helps people with disabilities. For example, if a recipe specifies that it has dairy in it then someone who has an allergy to dairy will know not to click on that recipe.

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Schema markup is a type of structured data added to websites to help search engines better understand the content on a page. It provides specific information about a page, such as the type of content, the name of the business, customer ratings, and more.

Snippets refer to the short preview text that appears in search results under the title and URL of a page. This text, which is usually derived from the page’s meta description or content, gives users a brief overview of what the page is about and helps them decide if they want to click through to the full page.

Schema markup can be used to enhance snippets by providing additional information such as ratings, prices, and other relevant details, making the snippets more appealing and useful to users.

Difference between Schema Markup and Snippets

Schema markup and snippets are related but distinct concepts in search engine optimization (SEO). The main difference is:

Schema Markup:

  • Is a type of structured data added to the HTML code of a web page to provide more information about the content on that page to search engines.
  • Helps search engines understand the context and meaning of the content, and display it in a more informative way.


  • These are the brief preview text and additional information that appear in search engine results for a given web page.
  • Are generated by search engines based on the content and structured data on a page, including schema markup.

So, schema markup is used to improve the information that appears in snippets and make the snippets more useful to users.

Here’s a table to summarize the difference between schema markup and snippets:

Schema MarkupSnippets
Structured data added to HTML codeBrief preview text and additional information in search engine results
Provides additional information about the content on a page to search enginesGenerated by search engines based on content and structured data on a page
Improves search engines’ understanding of the content on a pageProvides users with a brief overview of the content on a page
Helps search engines display information in a more informative wayHelps users make informed decisions about which web pages to visit

Benefits of Schema Markup and Snippets

Here are the top ten benefits of using schema markup and snippets:

  1. Improved visibility: Schema markup and enhanced snippets can help improve the visibility of a website in search engine results, making it more likely to be seen and clicked by users.

  2. Better understanding: Schema markup provides search engines with more information about the content on a page, helping them to better understand the context and meaning of the content.

  3. Enhanced snippets: Schema markup can be used to enhance snippets in search results, providing users with more information and making the snippets more appealing and useful.

  4. Increased click-through rate: Enhanced snippets can result in increased click-through rates, as users are more likely to click on results that provide them with more information.

  5. Rich results: Schema markup can be used to create rich results, such as ratings, prices, and other relevant details, that appear in search results and make the results more appealing to users.

  6. Better mobile experience: Schema markup can improve the mobile search experience, as it provides additional information about a page that can be used by mobile devices to display the content in a more user-friendly format.

  7. Increased trust: Enhanced snippets that include ratings, customer reviews, and other relevant information can increase trust in a website and its products or services.

  8. Better accessibility: Schema markup can improve accessibility for users with disabilities, as it provides additional information about the content on a page that can be used by assistive technologies to better understand the content.

  9. Increased brand awareness: Enhanced snippets can help increase brand awareness, as they provide users with more information about a business and its products or services.

  10. Improved local search results: Schema markup can be used to improve local search results, providing users with more information about a business’s location, hours, and other relevant details.

How to Create Schema Markup

Schema Markup is a markup language that is used to describe the structure of a website. It helps search engines understand the content on your website and categorize it accordingly.

There are three types of Schema Markup – JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa – supported by Google Search Console as well as Bing Webmaster Tools.

Creating schema markup involves adding structured data to a web page in the form of HTML tags and attributes. There are several ways to do this, including Microdata and RDFa.

Here’s a simple example of how to create schema markup using Microdata:

  1. Determine the type of schema you want to use: There are many types of schema markup, each with its own set of properties and requirements. It’s important to choose the right type of schema for your content.
  2. Choose the properties you want to include: Schema markup consists of properties that describe the content on a page. It’s important to choose the properties that are most relevant to your content and that provide the most value to users.
  3. Add the schema markup to your HTML: Schema markup is added to the HTML code of a page using special HTML attributes. For example, you can use the “itemscope” attribute to define the type of content on a page, and the “itemprop” attribute to define the properties of that content.
  4. Validate your schema markup: After adding the schema markup, it’s important to validate it to make sure that it’s properly formatted and that all the properties and values are correct. You can use the Google Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your markup.

Here’s an example of how to create schema markup for a restaurant review:

Schema Markup (In Coding)

<div itemscope itemtype=””>
<h2 itemprop=”name”>The Happy Spoon</h2>
<div itemprop=”aggregateRating” itemscope itemtype=””>
Rated <span itemprop=”ratingValue”>4.5</span> out of 5 stars
by <span itemprop=”reviewCount”>120</span> reviewers
<div itemprop=”review” itemscope itemtype=””>
<h3 itemprop=”name”>Best soup in town</h3>
<p itemprop=”reviewBody”>
The Happy Spoon serves the best soup I’ve ever had.

Schema Markup (In Visual)

The Happy Spoon

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
by 120 reviewers

Best soup in town

The Happy Spoon serves the best soup I’ve ever had.

In this example, the “itemscope” attribute is used to define the type of content on the page, the “itemtype” attribute is used to define the type of schema being used, and the “itemprop” attribute is used to define the properties of the content.

The result is a simple, yet powerful, piece of schema markup that provides search engines and other applications with additional information about the content on a page.

Formats of Structured Data

There three formats of structured data as below:

JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data):

JSON-LD is a format for encoding linked data using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

It is a lightweight data interchange format. JSON-LD is a way to express structured data using a simple syntax that can be easily integrated into HTML pages.


Microdata is a set of HTML tags that can be used to annotate content with structured data, making it easier for search engines to understand the context and content of a page.

Microdata uses a simple syntax that can be added directly to the HTML code of a page, and it can be used to describe things like products, people, organizations, and events.

RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes)

RDFa is a way to encode linked data within HTML pages, by adding attributes to the HTML tags.

RDFa can be used to describe things like products, people, organizations, and events, and is a key component of the semantic web.

Google has shared a list of structured data markups, which he supports and encourages SEO experts to use these formats according to their content type. 

Difference between Microdata and RDFa

Microdata and RDFa are two ways to add structured data to web pages to improve the way search engines and other applications understand the content on a page. They are used to provide additional information about the content, such as the type of content, the name of the business, customer ratings, and more.


  • Is a simple syntax for adding structured data to HTML.
  • Is included in the HTML code and uses HTML attributes to identify the type of data and its properties.
  • Is supported by most major search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo.


  • Stands for “Resource Description Framework in Attributes.”
  • Is a more complex syntax for adding structured data to HTML that allows for more fine-grained control of the data.
  • Uses HTML attributes to identify the type of data and its properties, but also allows for more complex relationships between data items.

Here’s a table to summarize the difference between Microdata and RDFa:

Simple syntax for adding structured data to HTMLThe more complex syntax for adding structured data to HTML
Uses HTML attributes to identify data type and propertiesUses HTML attributes to identify data type and properties, but allows for more complex relationships between data items
Supported by most major search enginesSupports more complex data relationships, but has a steeper learning curve
Suitable for simple data structuresSuitable for more complex data structures

Both Microdata and RDFa can be used to enhance the information that appears in search engine snippets and make the snippets more useful to users. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of a website and the preferences of the web designer or developer.

In summary, Microdata is a simpler solution for adding structured data to a web page and is more widely supported by search engines, while RDFa allows for more complex data relationships and is better suited for more complex data structures.

What is Rich Results Test

The rich result test, also known as the rich snippet testing tool, is a tool used to test structured data on a website to see if it can generate a rich result (also known as a rich snippet) in search engine results pages (SERP).

Rich results provide users with a more visually appealing and informative preview of a website’s content, potentially leading to a higher click-through rate.

To use the rich result test, simply enter the URL of the page you want to test into the tool, and it will analyze the structured data (such as schema markup) on the page and display a preview of how it would appear as a rich result in SERP. The tool will also indicate any errors or warnings in the structured data, allowing you to make any necessary corrections before publishing the page.

Examples of rich result testing tools include the Google Search Console’s Rich Results Test and the structured data testing tool from

Google rich results test
schema structured data test

Why add structured data to a page?

Structured data is added to a webpage to provide search engines with additional information about the content on the page. By adding structured data, you can help search engines better understand the context and content of your page, and provide users with a more engaging and informative preview of your page in search engine results pages (SERP).

Here are some of the benefits of adding structured data to a page:

  1. Enhanced visibility: Structured data can help your page appear as a rich result (also known as a rich snippet) in SERP, which can increase its visibility and attract more clicks.

  2. Improved relevancy: By providing more information about your page, structured data can help search engines better understand the context and relevancy of your page for a given search query, potentially improving its ranking.

  3. Increased user engagement: Rich results provide users with a more visually appealing and informative preview of your page, potentially leading to a higher click-through rate and increased engagement.

  4. Better accessibility: Structured data can help make your page more accessible to users with disabilities, as well as to search engines and other technologies.

  5. Compliance with search engine guidelines: Adding structured data to your page is seen as a best practice by search engines, and may be a factor in determining your page’s ranking in SERP.


Measuring the effect of structured data

To measure the effect of structured data on a website, one can track the following metrics:

  1. Click-through rate (CTR) from search results: A higher CTR from search results suggests that the structured data is helping to attract more clicks and engage users. 
  2. Increased visibility in search results: Improved visibility in search results shows that the structured data is helping the website rank higher and be more easily discoverable. 
  3. Improved website performance and loading speed: Improved website performance and loading speed demonstrate that the structured data is helping to streamline the website and make it more accessible to users. 
  4. Increased website traffic: Increased website traffic reflects the overall positive impact of structured data on user engagement and interaction. 
  5. Improved user experience:  Improved user experience indicates that the structured data is helping to provide a more intuitive and seamless experience for users.

Additionally, tools such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics can be used to track and analyze the performance of a website with structured data.

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